13 October 2008

How to set up a blog in 5 easy steps

Step One:
Select a blog service

Some of the most popular blog services available include Blogger, WordPress and Movable Type. Each of these reliable and useful blog services vary in terms of features and cost. Whilst Blogger and WordPress are free Movable Type is a paid service. Some of the advantages of using Blogger include free hosting and easily incorporated Adsense services. Although WordPress and MovableType require that your blog be hosted on your own server they also offer better statistics and more customisation. All three are great blog service options, your decision with regards to which service to use will ultimately depend on your budget, customisation and hosting requirements.

Step Two: Create a blog address

Your blog will need to be named. You should select a domain name or URL which will be memorable and which will appeal to your target audience. Some general advice about domain names:

  • the domain name should be kept short but at the same time it should be descriptive enough to inform readers what the blog is about,
  • they should preferably not include any words or names with complicated spellings,
  • numerals should also be avoided.

Step Three: Choose a Template

Most blog services offer a variety of templates. The template includes look and feel elements such as design, colour, and font of your website. Templates can often be changed if you are not satisfied with you initial selection.

Step Four: Include appropriate features

Features, such as those mentioned above, affect how the reader interacts with your blog. They have the ability to ensure that a user has a pleasant and memorable experience.

Step Five: Create great content

You now have a catchy domain name, you have selected a suitable blog service, are satisfied with the look and layout of you blog and feel that your blog features will appeal to your target audience. The stage has been set and the final performance is up to you.

The number one attraction of any blog is content and it is the quality of your content which will determine your blogs impact. Remember to pay attention to two things, purpose and frequency. When creating content for your blog you must remain true to your purpose in establishing the blog. Be it to educate, inform, interact, entertain, or all of the above purposeful writing ensures that you make good choices with regards to topics, tone and frequency of posting.
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